Monday, July 18, 2011

New Design

You might have noticed I'm in the process of giving my blog a makeover.  I know a lot of people loved the old look, but I decided I wanted something with more of a classic look and a toned down color scheme.  I'm still in the process of making new tab buttons, but before I take the time to get it finished I thought I'd get some feedback.  What do you guys think?  Do you think I'm going in the right direction?  Is there anything you'd change?  I'd love to hear anything you have to say because after all, you're the ones who have to look at it. 

Don't forget to check out the first post of my new series {Heart}:


Simone said...

Your new design looks great!! I love the background :) Altho I don't want to sound horrible, but I think the writing font is a little hard to read.. Sorry!

MK said...

I just found you on the For the Love of Blogs link up, so I don't know what your blog looked like before but I DO love your design! I recently just revamped mine, too ... doesn't it feel great?

Jessica said...

Just found you on the For the Love of Blogs link the design (I don't know what the old one looked like but this one is good). I have a few suggestions just from experience on my own blog ( text is a little hard to read...I would leave the Titles of the posts that text if you like it but I would change your actual content text to something like Arial or something sans serif. Also, the header is a little pixelated, I am not sure how you designed it but it's a little bit on the pixelated the design though! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your button and background :) Great job!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Hi, I have no idea what your blog looked like before, but I love the fact that your blog page itself is uncluttered and easy to read; and you've kept your highlighting to the side bar. It looks wonderful.

I'm your newest follower; found you via Debbie.

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